
Think you've got a good book in you? – BPW Joondalup Dinner Meeting

May 2011


Join BPW Joondalup for an insightful evening with WA author Shannon Meadows who spent five years leading 18-35’s coach tours around Europe. She came home with a backpack full of stories, and an urge to write.
Shannon will give an insight into harnessing the creative urge to write,
presenting your work to publishers, through to finally choosing to self-publish.
How do you distribute and market a self-published book? Join us to discover
more and to hear some anecdotes from life on the road!
When: Tuesday, 10 May 2011, 6:45pm
Where: Joondalup Function Centre, City of Joondalup Civic Buildings, Boas Ave, Joondalup (same level as library).
For more details, costs etc please see invitation attached.
BPW Joondalup dinner invite 10 May 2011