
Look who's in the Joondalup Business Focus Magazine

May 2014


Have you seen the Joondalup Business Focus Magazine? We are featured on page 25 with the “Back to Basics” article about Facebook by Liz! Here’s the full article: 

Back to Basics

3 Ways to improve engagement on your Facebook business page

Much of the feedback I received from my last JBA article was related to Facebook, so let’s take a moment to review some of the basics that are all too often overlooked on business pages.

How often to post

Any business needs to be posting a minimum of 3-4 times a week and engaging with other pages once or twice a week. (Remember, you do have to ‘interact’ with other pages – it isn’t all about you!) Best results will be achieved with posting twice a day… but only if the content is right! While some blogs advocate numerous posts a day, my experience in Australia is that many people will ‘unlike’ a page that posts too often, particularly if the content doesn’t deliver value for them. Avoid putting a number of posts up immediately one after another. People will just skim over them. If you have good content and you want to post more than once a day, schedule or space your posts out over a few hours, or post in the morning and then again in the afternoon or evening.

What to post

No matter how wonderful you think your products are, people will get tired of the same repetitive style of post if that’s all you do. So avoid posting photo after photo of your product and little else. Not everything you post needs to be (or should be) about your business. The important thing is not to stray too far away from what your target market feels is related to your product or industry.

Length of posts

While you can now write Facebook posts with up to 60,000 characters much research shows that the most effective and most read posts are short – aim for a maximum of 85 characters whenever possible, and make 140 characters your next target length. The occasional long post, e.g. a client testimonial, is ok but do this rarely rather than making it the norm.
Need help? Our “Connect” social media content management packages can take the headache out of staying active online.

Liz Flatters – JBA Member since 1995

Staying in Touch  |  08 9300 4511  |  0402 080 710  |

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