
BNIWA Awards Breakfast 2021

June 2021

Business & Productivity, Events

What do you do after an awards breakfast at Crown Perth? … go for coffee at The Waiting Room of course! #BNIWA2021
Yes, we were going to immediately rush back to the office, like everyone else… but this sign was speaking to me!

Was lovely to take a few minutes out, after the awards event, for Liz & Claudia to catch up. Very artistic pic Claudia – not sure how you managed that after such a early start this morning!

Standing out from the pack for a good cause! Our BNI Grapevine – Business Networking Perth chapter’s theme for BNI WA Awards Breakfast was RUOK? We really do support & care for each other, and not just by giving business. Wanted to communicate the importance of looking out for each other to the wider business community… and we won the Pride of the Tribe Award too! (Hopefully better official pics coming soon) #BNIWA2021